
Basic Information Survey 基本資料蒐集

The purpose of this website is to collect participants’ basic information. Please follow the fields below and complete the information as completely and accurately as possible.


Important Notes 注意事項:

  1. Once submitted, the information CANNOT be modified via this website. Please double-check your entries before hitting the submit button. Please resubmit the information directly if you need to make changes after submission. 所有資料提交後無法再透過網頁進行修改,請於提交前再次確認資料是否正確。若您在提交後仍有修改的需求,煩請直接重新提交資料。
  2. The website will CLOSE on July 10, 2024, the registration deadline. 此網頁會將於註冊截止日 2024/7/10關閉

The information you provide on this website will be used for the following purposes 您於此頁面提交的所有資料將被用於下列事項:

  1. Creating participant badge. 製作姓名吊牌。
  2. Sending our exclusive payment links (exclusive payment links will be sent to your registered email address within 7 days of completing the form). 寄發專屬繳費連結(專屬連結最慢將會於完成資料填寫後7天內寄發至您的註冊信箱)。
  3. Arranging sessions. 安排報告場次。

Important Dates 重要日程:

  • May 15, 2024: Deadline for submitting full papers for Best Paper Awards 最佳論文獎截止日期
  • May 25, 2024: Deadline for early-bird registration 早鳥註冊截止日期
  • June 15, 2024: Deadline for full paper submission 論文全文繳交截止日期
  • July 10, 2024: Deadline for registration 註冊截止日期

Fee 費用:

Early Bird
Whole Summit
(~USD 400)
(~USD 350)
 (~USD 150)
NT$  9,600
(~USD 300)
NT$  8,000
(~USD 250)
(~USD 100)
NT$  6,400
(~USD 200)
NT$  4,800
(~USD 150)
(~USD 100)



Personal Information 個人資料

Please start each word with a capital letter and continue with lower case. Do not use upper or lower case only.
Please type your name in capital letters only.
You may enter the e-mail address(es) of one or several person(s) to receive copies (CCs) of all personalmessages sent to you by Conference. Several addresses have to be separated by commas.
Conference Registration Information 會議註冊資訊

Please make sure to select the correct option, as it affects the amount of the fee. For fees, please refer to the "Fee" section at the top of the page. 請確認是否正確,此選項關乎繳費金額,繳費明細詳見此網頁上方說明欄

Please make sure to select the correct option, as it affects the amount of the fee. For fees, please refer to the "Fee" section at the top of the page. 請確認是否正確,此選項關乎繳費金額,繳費明細詳見此網頁上方說明欄

If you have checked "Same as the Organization above" in the previous item, please leave it blank. 若您前一欄位選擇同上方組織,則此欄位請留空。
If necessary. 若您有需要的話。
Paper Submission Information 論文提交資訊
If you are only an attendee and do not have a paper to present, please enter "Attendee". 若您只是與會者並且沒有要報告論文,請輸入"Attendee"。

Please indicate the session in which you would like your paper to be presented. If you have multiple submissions, please fill in the article title and the desired presentation sessions in the "Note" section below. Please note that this is different from the "Registration". This field pertains to the session where you would like your paper to be presented. The registration field, on the other hand, is related to fees. 請選擇您的論文欲發表的會議,若您有多篇投稿,請於下方附註欄位中填寫您的文章標題以及欲發表的會議選項。請注意,此欄位與上方「註冊」欄位不同,此欄位特指您的論文欲報告的會議,而「註冊」欄位則和費用有關。

Data Privacy Agreement In order to use the Conference system, your user data, actions and the results of your actions will be stored within the system. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data Information stored in the Conference system will exclusively be used in relation to this event or a subsequent event. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the organization of the event, for billing purposes or for legal reasons (e. g. in the case of an external audit),but it will not be distributed or sold to other parties for other purposes. Right to Information Upon request, the organisers of this event will provide you, in writing, with all personal data they have stored about you. You can inquire where the data were collected, to whom they are disclosed and the purposes for which they have been stored. Privacy Statement By accepting the privacy agreement you also confirm that you read the privacy statement of the operators of this Conference installation.

If you have not completed uploading the full paper, please note that this page is not a paper upload system. If you want to upload a paper, please upload it to the conference website: https://login.ctmnthu.com/profile-4-2/login/. 若您還沒上傳完整論文,請注意此頁面並非論文上傳系統,若您要提交完整論文,請至大會網站https://login.ctmnthu.com/profile-4-2/login/提交您的完整論文。
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