Cary Lin @ NTHU
Published Papers
- I-Chun Tsai, Han-Bo Chen, and Che-Chun Lin, 2024, “The ability of energy commodities to hedge the dynamic risk of epidemic black swans,” Resources Policy, Vol. 89, 104622 (SSCI).
- Yu-Min Wang, Che-Chun Lin, and I-Chun Tsai, 2023, “State transformation of information spillover in asset markets and effective dynamic hedging strategies,” International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 89, 102772 (SSCI).
- Hung-Wei Lee, Che-Chun Lin, and I-Chun Tsai, 2023, “Another application of call options: Explaining the divergence between the housing market and the rental market,” Finance Research Letters, Vol. 53, 103660 (SSCI).
- Han-Bo Chen, Che-Chun Lin, and Jerry T. Yang, 2023, “Re-discussion of the Relationship between Rent and Housing User Cost-Real Option Viewpoint” (in Chinese), Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vo1. 32(2), 57-82 (TSSCI).
- I-Chun Tsai and Che-Chun Lin, 2022, “A Re-Examination of Housing Bubbles: Evidence from European Countries,” Economic Systems, Vol. 46(2), 100971 (SSCI).
- Wen-Kai Wang, Che-Chun Lin, and I-Chun Tsai, 2022, “Long- and short-term price behaviors in presale housing markets in Taiwan,” Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 74, 350-364 (SSCI).
- I-Chun Tsai and Che-Chun Lin, 2022, “Influence of migration policy risk on international market segmentation: Analysis of housing and rental markets in the Euro area,” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2121740 (SSCI).
- Jerry T. Yang, Che-Chun Lin, and Chin-Oh Chang, 2022, “The Impacts of Macroprudential Instruments on Housing Prices and Transacted Volume” (in Chinese), Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vo1. 31(2), 29-62(TSSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin and I-Chun Tsai, 2021, “The Special Effect of Interest Rate Cuts on Housing Prices,” Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 22(3), 776-798 (SSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin and I-Chun Tsai, 2021, “House prices, rental costs, and mortgage interest rates,” International Journal of Strategic Property Management, Vol. 25(5), 356-368 (SSCI).
- Jing-Tang Tsay, Jerry T. Yang, and Che-Chun Lin, 2020, “Pricing Model for Real Estate in Taiwan - Adjusted Matching Approach,” International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation, Vol. 1(3), 207-225 (ESCI).
- I-Chun Tsai and Che-Chun Lin, 2019, “Variations and Influences of Connectedness among US Housing Markets,” International Real Estate Review, Vol. 22(1), 27-58 (ESCI).
- Jerry T. Yang, Fan-Ting Cheng, and Che-Chun Lin, 2019, “Mispricing in Housing Market-Money Illusion or Market Perception?” (in Chinese), Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 28(2), 1-15 (TSSCI).
- Jing-Tang Tsay, Che-Chun Lin, and Jerry T. Yang, 2018, “Pricing Mortgage-Backed Securities— First Hitting Time Approach,” International Real Estate Review, Vol. 21(4), 419-446 (ESCI).
- Jerry T. Yang, Jing-Tang Tsay, and Che-Chun Lin, 2018, “Pricing Model for Home Appreciation Participation Notes,” (in Chinese) Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 27(2), 61-84 (TSSCI).
- Jow-Ran Chang, Jing-Tang Tsay, and Che-Chun Lin, 2016, “Simplifying the Valuation of Reverse Annuity Mortgages,” Corporate Management Review (交大管理學報), Vol. 36(1), 97-123 (TSSCI).
- Jing-Tang Tsay, Che-Chun Lin, Larry J. Prather, and Richard J. Buttimer, 2014, “An Approximation Approach for Valuing Reverse Mortgages,” Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 25(C), 39-52 (SSCI).
- Jerry T. Yang, Jing-Tang Tsay, and Che-Chun Lin, 2014, “The Impact of the Disposition Time of Reverse Mortgage Collaterals on Insurance Premiums,” (in Chinese) Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 23(1), 35-50 (TSSCI).
- Larry J. Prather, Che-Chun Lin, and Ting-Heng Chu, 2013, “What Homebuyers Need to Know about the Differential Risk of Mortgages,” Financial Services Review, Vol. 22(4), 331-347 (EconLit).
- Che-Chun Lin, Larry J. Prather, Ting-Heng Chu, and Jing-Tang Tsay, 2013, “Differential Default Risk among Traditional and Non-traditional Mortgage Products and Capital Adequacy Standards,” International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 27, 115-122 (SSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin, Jow-Ran Chang, Ting-Heng Chu, and Larry J. Prather, 2013, “Sizing and Performance of Fixed-Rate Residential Mortgage Asset-Backed Securities Tranches,” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 16(4), 1-16 (EconLit).
- Che-Chun Lin, Yu-Lieh Huang, and Chiuling Lu, 2012, “Estimating Mortgage Prepayment Rates Using the Gibbs-Sampling Approach,” Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Vol. 5, 215-230 (FLI).
- Yi-Tze Liu, Jing-Tang Tsay, and Che-Chun Lin, 2012, “Credit Risk of Mortgage Payment Shock,” (in Chinese) Journal of Taiwan Land Research (臺灣土地研究), Vol. 15(1), 73-93 (TSSCI).
- Larry J. Prather, Ting-Heng Chu, M. Imtiaz Mazumder, and Che-Chun Lin, 2011, “Indexing Institutional Funds,” Journal of Index Investing, Vol. 2(3), 58- 63.
- Che-Chun Lin, Ting-Heng Chu, and Larry J. Prather, 2011, “Default Risk of Exotic Mortgage Products,” Journal of International Finance and Economics, Vol. 11(2), 161-170.
- Tyler. T Yang, Che-Chun Lin, and Man Cho, 2011, “Collateral Risk in Residential Mortgage Defaults,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 42(2), 115-142 (SSCI).
- Ping-Fang Li, Jerry T. Yang, and Che-Chun Lin, 2011, “A Comparison between Fixed-Rate and Adjustable-Rate Reverse Mortgages,” (in Chinese) Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 20(2), 27-46 (TSSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin and Edward Chang, 2009, “At a First Glance of Mortgage Default Rates,” (in Chinese) Joint Credit Information Center Bimonthly (金融聯合徵信雙月刊), Vol.7, 24-35.
- Che-Chun Lin and Edward Chang, 2009, “At a First Glance of the US Exotic Mortgage Products,” (in Chinese) Joint Credit Information Center Bimonthly (金融聯合徵信雙月刊), Vol. 7, 36-48.
- Chia-Wei Lin, Edward Chang, and Che-Chun Lin, 2007, “Estimating Mortgage Termination Rates with Separate Loan Age Functions,” (in Chinese) Review of Securities and Futures Markets (證券市場發展季刊), Vol. 19(4), 45-70 (TSSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin, Ting-Heng Chu, and Larry J. Prather, 2006, “Valuation of Mortgage Servicing Rights with Foreclosure Delay and Forbearance Allowed,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 26(1), 41-54 (EconLit).
- Che-Chun Lin, Ting-Heng Chu, Larry J. Prather, and Perry Wang, 2005, “Mortgage Curtailment and Default,” International Real Estate Review, Vol. 8(1), 95-109. (ESCI)
- Che-Chun Lin, and Tyler T. Yang, 2005, “Curtailment as A Mortgage Performance Indicator,” Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 14(3), 294-314 (SSCI).
- Richard J. Buttimer and Che-Chun Lin, 2005, “Valuing U.S. and Canadian Mortgage Servicing Rights with Default and Prepayment,” Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 14(3), 194-211 (SSCI).
- Ting-Heng Chu, Che-Chun Lin, and Larry J. Prather , 2005, “An Extension of Security Price Reactions Around Product Recall Announcements,” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 44(3&4), 33-48 (EconLit).
- Che-Chun Lin and Lan-Chih Ho, 2005, “Valuing Individual Mortgage Servicing Contracts: A Comparison between Adjustable-Rate Mortgages and Fixed-Rate Mortgages,” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 8(1), 131-146 (EconLit).
- Hsiao-Fang Lin and Che-Chun Lin, 2004, “Valuation of Mortgage Servicing Rights,” (in Chinese) Joutnal of the Land Bank of Taiwan (臺灣土地金融季刊), Vol.41(2), 45-60.
- Yu-Shuang Huang, Ching-Jia Jou, and Che-Chun Lin, 2003, “Pricing Mortgage-Backed Securities by a Dynamic Prepayment Model,” (in Chinese) Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 12(1), 43-56 (TSSCI).
- Che-Chun Lin, 2003, “Valuing Individual Mortgage Servicing Contracts: An Option-Adjusted Spread Approach,’’ Journal of Housing Studies (住宅學報), Vol. 12(1), 31-42 (TSSCI).
- “Financial Management -Easy to Get Started (財務管理輕鬆上手),” (in Chinese) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2017.
- “Financial Asset Securitization (金融資產證券化),” 4th Edition, (in Chinese) Securities and Futures Institute, Taiwan, 2009.
- “Mortgage Securitization (住宅抵押貸款證券化),” (in Chinese) Securities and Futures Institute, Taiwan, 2005.